
  • Environmental, Social and Governance.

    We incorporate ESG principles into all our actions to successfully navigate and balance the benefits of our projects.

  • Strong community engagement.

    Our approach is underpinned by a focus on sustained, open and transparent communication with stakeholders.

  • Best-in-class regulatory approach.

    We work closely with industry bodies, regulatory bodies and peers to uphold the highest standards.

Environmental, Social and Governance

We are guided by certain ESG principles as they relate to exploration. The Enduring Value principles (Minerals Council of Australia “Enduring Value Framework”) are based on the International Council on Mining and Metals’ (ICMM) 10 Principles of Sustainable Development. These principles represent the global industry’s commitment to manage social, health, safety, environmental and economic issues to deliver sustainable shareholder value, improve performance and publicly report on the industry’s progress.

Central to Enduring Value is the relationship between the Industry and its many stakeholders – employees, shareholders, communities and governments. The Enduring Value principles recognise that these groups have rights and interests that need to be reflected in the ways that companies carry out their business.

Community engagement

We acknowledge and respect that there are other community and industry stakeholders in the areas in which we operate. We strive to conduct all exploration activities by meeting and exceeding regulatory requirements and community expectations.

A Community Engagement Form is provided for stakeholders and members of the local community can contact the company and raise any issues.


Get in touch.
